• Car Accidents Involving The Elderly

    The CDC suggests that older drivers, especially those aged 75 and over, have a higher rate of fatal accidents than other drivers. According to the CDC, the high rate of elderly-related car accidents can be attributed to declining eyesight and cognitive abilities. If you have been involved in a vehicle accident with an elderly driver, consult a car accident lawyer for help. Here are some elements of car accidents involving the elderly.
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  • Grounds To File A Lawsuit? What To Know

    Many have heard the phrase grounds to sue but perhaps did not know what was meant. Understanding this term and all of its complexities may be unnecessary for many, but it might interest those who have been harmed. To learn more about this phrase along with how to make sure you are paid for the harm done to you, read on. What Are Grounds? The word grounds, in this instance, refers to proof that harm was done to someone.
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