• Hit By A Car In The Crosswalk: Who Is At Fault?

    If you've been hit by a car in a crosswalk, you probably have a lot on your mind. Between recovering from your injuries and figuring out who is going to pay for the medical treatments, it's easy to get overwhelmed. Learning a bit about how insurance companies (and courts) go about determining liability in this type of case will help put your mind at ease. Are you liable for your own injuries?
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  • Food Poisoning: Why It's Hard To Prove Product Liability Claims

    Experts estimate that 48 million Americans become ill as a result of food poisoning every year. What's more, 128,000 of these people have to go to hospital and 3,000 people die. American retailers must adhere to strict food handling and hygiene regulations, but food poisoning can still affect shoppers, resulting in time off work, medical bills and other unwanted expenses. Nonetheless, if you intend to file a lawsuit against a retailer for food poisoning, you may find it difficult to prove your product liability claim.
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  • Answers To Questions You May Have About Getting Adequate Compensation From A Wrongful Death Claim

    When you have a family member that dies as the result of the negligent behavior of someone else, chances are the irresponsible party will face criminal charges. However, seeing someone go to prison is not enough if your family is left in financial dire straits and needs to receive compensation to cover medical bills as well as pain and suffering. With the help of an attorney you can file a civil suit against the criminal.
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  • Truck Accident Demand Letters: 5 Mistakes To Avoid

    If a truck collides with your car and injures you or one of your passengers, you'll need to send a demand letter to the truck driver's insurance company. A demand letter sets out your account of events and outlines what you want the insurer to do, so it's vital that you get this critical document right. Make sure a bad demand letter doesn't jeopardize your claim by avoiding the five following mistakes claimants sometimes make.
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  • 7 Things You Must Do After a Car Accident

    While some vehicle accidents only result in property damage, others cause deaths. Although being in a car accident can be quite scary, it is important to stay calm and take control of the situation. If you take the proper steps, you can improve the situation. Here are seven important things you must do after a car accident: Make Sure Everyone is Okay Before looking at the vehicle damage, it is very important to see if everyone involved in the accident is alright.
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  • Be Careful About Signing A Confidentiality Agreement In Your Trucking Accident Settlement

    Truck accident settlements are as unique as the people involved in them. However, there is one component most of them have in common: confidentiality agreements. Many trucking companies want to prevent accident victims from discussing potentially damaging information with others and often require plaintiffs to sign nondisclosure contracts as a condition of the settlement. Here's why you should think twice about signing on the dotted line. The Problem with Confidentiality Agreements
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  • What Is Being Recorded At The Scene Of Your Accident?

    At the scene of an auto accident, there is usually a lot of activity going on. Depending on whether or not you were seriously injured, you may witness some of this activity or none of it at all. In many cases, some of the activities prior to the accident, as well as during the accident, are being recorded. These recordings can be important in determining negligence, injuries, as well as liability, but you have to know where to look for the recordings to begin with.
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  • 3 Questions You May Have After Being Victimized In A Hit And Run Accident

    Being involved in a car accident is never a good experience, but it can be much worse if the person that hit you took after the accident occurred. This is labeled as a hit and run accident, and according to statistics, hit and run accidents are on the rise. If you were involved in a hit and run, you may have questions you would like to have answered. Here are three questions people have after being victims in hit and run accidents.
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  • 3 Things You Should Know If You're In A Work-Related Auto Accident

    If you've been hurt in an accident while driving your car or truck at work, you need to know whether your employer will step up to pay the bills while you're convalescing -- and what your options are if they won't. Here are three important things to keep in mind following a work-related vehicular incident. You Can't Just Be Sitting in the Vehicle Simply sitting in the driver's seat of a company car or truck at the time of your injury doesn't make you a workers' compensation candidate.
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  • Owner Of A Large Dog? How Can You Protect Yourself From Liability?

    Large dogs are a joy -- with personalities even bigger than their bodies, they can add fun and laughter to a household. However, owning certain large dog breeds may cause your homeowners insurance costs to rise. This can be due to liability concerns about potential insurance claims resulting from dog bites and other dog-related injuries. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself and your dog from any liability that could be incurred, while also protecting the safety of your guests.
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