3 Tips To Protect Your Workers' Comp Claim
Posted on: 1 June 2018
When a person gets injured while on the job, their state's workers' compensation insurance should, in theory, cover them. Unfortunately, like many insurance policies, your initial claim may be denied, even if it is valid. Here are three helpful hints to ensure if you ever find yourself in this situation your claim won't be denied.
1. Hire An Attorney
You aren't required to hire a workers' compensation lawyer, but it can certainly make life easier for you. The company you work for has a vested interest in your claim being denied. This is because an approved claim will likely raise their premium. Your employer may also not want glaring safety violations brought to light. You can bet your employer has legal representation looking out for their best interests, and the insurance company has a lot of resources at their disposal. Their claims specialists are going to look for any loopholes they can find to deny your claim. When you obtain legal counsel right away, you're letting everyone involved know you're protecting your rights. The peace of mind that an attorney brings will also allow you to concentrate on what's most important — getting better and not going bankrupt while you are off work.
2. Report The Injury
Most states have limits on how soon after becoming injured you can file a claim. If you get hurt at work, let them know immediately. Even if it something superficial, file an official report. Sometimes minor injuries can become worse over time. For example, a machinist who nicks his finger may feel it's not a big deal initially, but what happens if the cut becomes severely infected and makes working difficult or impossible at some point in the future? You can protect yourself by always reporting an injury, no matter how minor it may be.
When you fill out the accident report, be sure to provide very specific information on how the injury happened and what you were doing at the time. You will also want to note the names of any witnesses to the accident. Your memory may not be as clear if your claim is denied and you need to defend yourself. Be sure to get copies of any forms you fill out.
3. Follow The Doctor's Orders
If your physician determines you need to go to physical therapy for your back injury, make sure you attend those appointments. If you don't take your medical needs seriously, neither will anyone else — adhere to the treatment plan.
For more information, contact a lawyer like Annunziata Albert.