What Amount Can You Expect As Settlement For A Back Injury?

Posted on: 31 January 2023

Back injuries can be common in workplaces, especially if you stand for extended periods, perform repetitive tasks, or operate machinery. Note that some common types include pulled muscles and life-altering spinal cord injuries. Further, if you suffer any of these injuries, you will likely have to deal with chronic back pain and the inability to work as efficiently as before. Therefore, you can pursue a workers' compensation settlement from your employer to cover your losses. Here are some factors that determine how much you can get as a settlement for your back injuries.

The Type and Seriousness of the Injury

The money you get for a back problem depends heavily on how bad it is and what caused it. Note that spinal injuries are typically more serious than other back injuries, such as sprains or damaged soft tissues. Because of this, they typically receive a higher settlement. Furthermore, the severity of your wounds will determine how long you will be out of work, which can translate into months or even years. Hence, you will get a higher settlement to cater to your medical and daily needs.

Whether the Injury Caused a Permanent Disability

Your payment may increase if your back injury leaves you unable to work. Further, an increase in benefits is possible if the injury results in a long-term disability. However, note that these are just some of the many variables that can affect the final sum of your settlement. More importantly, you will need medical records clearly showing that the permanent disability is a consequence of the injury. Also, you might need the input of an expert witness to create the connection between the injury and disability. Hence, discuss these factors with your attorney to help them determine an appropriate payout.

The Medical Costs and Your Ability to Return to Work

Settlements for workplace injuries often account for both past and future medical expenses. Medication, in-home care, physiotherapy, hospitalization, operations, and more can all add to the bill. Also, whether you can go back to work is another consideration. Note that the severity of your condition, and its impact on your ability to return to work and earn an income, will be a factor when determining the amount of any settlement you get for injuries. Ultimately, the longer you are out of commission, the larger your settlement will be.

These are the considerations the insurers make when determining how much you are entitled to get in workers' compensation benefits. So, speak to a workers' compensation lawyer immediately after your injury and get the guidance you need when handling the claim.  

For more information, contact a local firm like Neifert Byrne & Ozga.
